
This page shows a list of all issues and pull requests in your organization.
Closed issues and pull requests are only included if they were closed after your organization was connected to Sweetjab. Issues and pull requests closed before, are not included.

To filter the displayed issues and pull requests, multiple parameters are available; repositories, labels, issues and prs, assignees, status, types, opened at, closed at.

Default parameters are:

  • Assignees: "Unassigned"
  • Status: "Open"
  • Opened at: "1st of current month - today"
  • Closed at: "1st of current month - today"


In the "Repositories" dropdown, you get a list of every repository in your organization. Select the ones you want to include in your overview.


The "Labels" dropdown contains the organizations labels, and you can select one or more labels, which the issues or pull requests could have.

Issues and PRs

In the "Issues and PRs" text field, you can search for the number of the issue or pull request, or something included in the title or body.


The "Assignees" dropdown contains any GitHub member who have made a contribution to any of the organizations repositories. In the top of the list, you have the option "Unassigned", which gives you the issues and pull requests that haven't been assigned to any members.


In the "Status" dropdown, you can select between "Open", "Merged" and "Closed", for which "Merged" only applies to pull requests. Select one or more.


In the "Types" dropdown, you can select between "Issue" and "Pull request" or both, if you want the overview to only include issues or pull requests, or both.

Opened at

The "Opened at" is a small dropdown where you can pick the dates from where the issues and pull requests were opened/created in GitHub.

In it you have a couple of presets; "Today", "Yesterday", "Last 7 Days", "Last 30 Days", "This Month", "Last Month", "All Time". Each just represents a date, so if you pick "Today" and today is the 25th, and saves the search, then tomorrow the date with still be the 25th, and not "Today" the 26th.

Closed at

The "Closed at" is a small dropdown where you can pick the dates from where the issues and pull requests were closed/merged in GitHub.

This parameter only applies to closed issues and pull requests. This parameter is ignored for open issues and pull requests.

In it you have a couple of presets; "Today", "Yesterday", "Last 7 Days", "Last 30 Days", "This Month", "Last Month", "All Time". Each just represents a date, so if you pick "Today" and today is the 25th, and saves the search, then tomorrow the date with still be the 25th, and not "Today" the 26th.